Homeopathy Jersey – Alternative safe therapy for all

Jersey Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy at the
Meridian Clinic

admin@jerseyhomoeopathy.com     Tel: 07931403679

What to expect

Jersey Homoeopathy

Homeopathic Clinic

The consultation process

During the first consultation my aim is to obtain an understanding of the health issues you would like addressed by homoeopathic treatment. While it is important for me to know how conventional medicine diagnoses your ailment, the most essential information will come from your own experience of your symptoms and your description of yourself.

Initially I will ask questions about your symptoms, for example: what makes them better or worse, or is there any particular time of day or season that they appear or are at their worse. But I will also want to know about what you are like as a person in terms of personality and disposition, as well as in a more general way such as your likes and dislikes; for instance: foods, preferred temperatures and weather conditions.

I will need to know details of any medication you are taking, including over the counter medicines, herbal remedy’s, flower remedy’s, food suplimants etc. I will also ask you about your past medical history and that of your immediate family, past and present.

At the end of your first consultation I will ask you to fill out a questionnaire called Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile (MYMOP). This is a helpful tool in measuring the symptoms you consider the most important to your recovery, and also what activities in your life are made difficult or impossible to do as a consequence. The MYMOP will enable you to see how your treatment is progressing at at each consultation.

The first consultation for an adult takes up to 2 hours, for a child between 1 and 1 ½ hours depending on age and their boredom threshold. Follow up appointments are initially once every 6 weeks, with each appointment lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour for an adult, and ½ hour to 45 minutes for a child.

First appointment for adults £ 180
Follow up appointments for adults £ 75
First appointment for children £ 160
Follow up appointments for children £ 55
Telephone prescriptions from £ 25 (half hour rolling clock)

As your homœopath I will respect your privacy and confidentiality. I will be very happy to answer any questions you have before, during or after the consultation.

So when a homoeopath says “I don’t treat the symptoms but the person who has them” its not clear whether it can help us and our particular symptoms. So simply to be of help, all the lists below are from an audit of my practice that show what diagnosed conditions people have sort help for:

Chronic and recurrent headaches and migraines
Chronic and recurrent ear, nose & throat problems
Hay fever
Irritable bowel syndrome
Prolonged grief and acute grief
Panic attacks
Sleep problems: insomnia, waking in the night
Skin conditions: acne, eczema
Urinary tract conditions